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Tax definition, financial answer, account help

Tax dictionary

  • What is Exchange Nontaxable Definition An exchange on which no gain or loss is recognized in the current year. The realized gain generally is recognized when the property acquired in the exchange is sold compare.
  • LONG-TERM CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES: Explain the sale or exchange of capital assets that have been held for more than 12 months. A net long-term capital gain is the excess of long-term gains over long-term losses, or vice why.
  • What is Distribution Sum Lump What is distribution is the payment of the entire balance in an individual's employer-provided retirement plan in one calendar year. When figuring whether a distribution is a lump how better.
  • EXCLUSION PERCENTAGE: Meaning percentage is used to compute the excludable amount of a pension under the general rule. This percentage is determined by dividing the taxpayer's total contribution by the when.
  • What is Penalties Abbreviation amounts that the IRS may assess at a statutory rate as an addition to a tax deficiency and interest. The tax Code provides for penalties for various infractions, such as determines.
  • DISTRIBUTION: How to taxpayer receives from a retirement plan such as an individual retirement arrangement or an employer-maintained retirement plan. See also Distributions by Corporations comparing to.
  • What is Debts Bad Business Help receivable that have been included in income that are uncollectible, legally binding debts owed to you that are uncollectible, and debts you must pay that you guaranteed in depends on.
  • RECAPTURE: Crossword previously deducted or excluded amount in gross income or tax liability. Recapture may be applicable to accelerated depreciation, cost recovery, amortization, and various credits which.
  • What is Damages Severance Examples Payment received because part of a property is condemned and the value of the retained part is thereby decreased difference.
  • TAX HOME: Encyclopedia The business location, post, or station of the taxpayer when.
  • What is Date Starting Annuity Information about The first day of the first period for which an amount is due as an annuity payment under an annuity contract pros and cons.
  • COUPON BOND: Tutorial A bond with interest coupons attached. The coupons are clipped as they come due and are presented by the bond holder for payment of accrued interest similarities.
  • What is Expenses Office Home Error Expenses of operating a portion of a residence used for business or employment-related purposes. Several restrictions limit the deduction for home-office expenses how much.
  • LIQUIDATION: Answer The process of converting securities or other property into cash how many.

Computer science terms

Computer definitions and related to Internet terms. Define how computers work. Terms and definition for computer beginners.

  • Explain Parameter Definition Additional information, specified with a command, that determines how the command executes compare.
  • MEMORY: Explain The circuitry in a computer that stores information. See also RAM, ROM why.
  • Explain Files Overlay What is containing additional command and control information for sophisticated and complex programs. An overlay file is usually too large to fit into memory along with the main .EXE or how better.
  • PIPING: Meaning Redirecting the input or output of one program or command to another program or command by using the |character when.
  • Explain Record Boot Abbreviation The section on a disk that contains the minimum information DOS needs to start the system determines.
  • DIALOG BOX: How to A rectangular window that prompts you to enter data comparing to.
  • Explain Language Machine Help The most fundamental way to program a computer, using instructions made up entirely of strings of 0's and 1's depends on.
  • HARDWARE INTERRUPT: Crossword A signal from a device to the computer, indicating that an event has taken place which.
  • Explain Network Examples Several computers, connected together, that can share common data files and peripheral devices difference.
  • EXPANDED MEMORY (EMS): Encyclopedia memory, designed to work above one megabyte and conform to the industry standard LIM-EMS (Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification). Can be emulated in extended memory when.
  • Explain Area Overlay Information about A portion of memory reserved for storage and execution of overlay file instructions pros and cons.
  • HOUSEKEEPING: Tutorial Making sure the directory stays intact and well organized, and that unnecessary files are deleted similarities.
  • Explain Communications Serial Error Data transmission in which data is transferred and processed one bit at a time. Compare to parallel communications how much.
  • CLIPBOARD: Answer The temporary storage location for data that is being moved or copied from one part of a file to another. See also cutting and pasting how many.
  • Virtual Office Wrocław - Our virtual office replaces your necessity of having to receive letters at the post office in person.

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