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Tax definition, financial answer, account help

Tax dictionary

  • What is Regular Method (Automobile Expenses) Definition A deduction for business use of the taxpayer's vehicle based on actual cost of gas, oil, repairs, tires, washing, etc. plus a deduction for depreciation compare.
  • REALIZED GAIN OR LOSS: Explain The difference between the amount received upon the sale or other disposition of property and the adjusted basis of the property why.
  • What is Inventory What is For income tax purposes, inventory consists of items acquired for sale to customers in the regular course of a taxpayer's trade or business how better.
  • DEFERRED GAIN: Meaning The part of realized gain on an exchange of property that is not currently taxed. The gain generally is taxed at the time the property acquired in the exchqnge is sold when.
  • What is Expenses Transportation Abbreviation expenses for an employee or self-employed taxpayer include only the cost of transportation incurred in the course of business or employment when the taxpayer is not away from home determines.
  • FAIR MARKET VALUE (FMV): How to property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts comparing to.
  • What is Regulated Investment Company (Mutual Fund) Help that uses its capital to invest in other companies. The two principal types are closed-end and open-end mutual funds. Shares in closed-end mutual funds, some of which are listed depends on.
  • TAX COURT: Crossword The U.S. Tax Court is one of three trial courts of original jurisdiction that decide litigation involving federal income, death, and gift taxes which.
  • What is Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) Examples savings plan under which any number of taxpayers may contribute up to a total of $2,000 per year per eligible beneficiary. Contributions are nondeductible. Earnings withdrawals difference.
  • MARGIN: Encyclopedia A percentage of the full price of a security that must be paid as a down payment by an investor buying on credit. The required margin fluctuates subject to federal regulations when.
  • What is Percentage Exclusion Information about percentage is used to compute the excludable amount of a pension under the general rule. This percentage is determined by dividing the taxpayer's total contribution by the pros and cons.
  • AMENDED RETURN: Tutorial on Form 1040X after the original return has been filed. An amended return is used to correct errors or to claim more advantageous ways of filing the original return. An amended similarities.
  • What is Rollover Error transfer of an employer plan distribution to another employer plan or to a traditional IRA, or the tax-free transfer from one IRA to another or to an eligible employer plan how much.
  • QUALIFYING CHILD FOR THE EARNED INCOME CREDIT: Answer EIC, a qualifying child must be your son, daughter, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, or eligible foster child, or a descendant of any of them, or brother, sister, half how many.

Computer science terms

Computer definitions and related to Internet terms. Define how computers work. Terms and definition for computer beginners.

  • Explain Password Definition A sequence of characters that allows entry into a restricted system or program compare.
  • FILTER: Explain A program that accepts data as input, processes it in some manner, and then outputs the data in a different form why.
  • Explain Language Machine What is The most fundamental way to program a computer, using instructions made up entirely of strings of 0's and 1's how better.
  • PARITY BIT: Meaning to the end of a sequence of data bits, that makes the total of the data bits and the parity bit odd or even. Used when sending information via modem to ensure accurate when.
  • Explain Device Abbreviation Any internal or external piece of peripheral hardware determines.
  • WARNING BOX: How to A rectangular window that warns you of an input error (such as an incorrect password) or a potentially dangerous consequence of a requested operation comparing to.
  • Explain Diskette Floppy Micro Help The 3 1/2" diskette used in the Personal System/2 and many other computers depends on.
  • CASE SENSITIVITY: Crossword Distinguishing between capital letters and lowercase letters which.
  • Explain Focus Input Examples The portion of a graphic menu screen that the selection cursor is in. You can switch the input focus among the screen areas by pressing the Tab key or by using the mouse difference.
  • WRITE-PROTECTING: Encyclopedia read-only status by covering the write-protect notch (on a 5 1/4" diskette) or by sliding the write-protect switch (on a 3 1/2" diskette) to a see-through position when.
  • Explain Branching Information about The transfer of control or execution to a statement in another program or batch file. See also decision making pros and cons.
  • END-OF-FILE MARKER: Tutorial A Ctrl-Z code that marks the logical end of a file similarities.
  • Explain Ware Share Error Software that is made available for free but displays a polite request for a donation to help offset the cost of making it widely available. See also public domain how much.
  • HELP: Answer textual information. Help is displayed whenever the F1 key is pressed from within the DOS shell, in which case the help text is context-sensitive, that is, relating directly to how many.
  • Virtual Office Wrocław - Our virtual office replaces your necessity of having to receive letters at the post office in person.

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