What BIOMATERIAL means: Any matter, surface, or construct that interacts with biological systems. Biomaterials can be derived from nature or synthesized in the laboratory using metallic components, polymers , ceramics, or composite materials. Medical devices made of biomaterials are often used to replace or augment a natural function. Examples include heart valves, hip replacements, and materials used regularly in dentistry and surgery.
- Definition Biosensors:
- Dictionary A device that uses biological material, such as DNA, enzymes and antibodies, to detect specific biological, chemical, or physical processes and then transmits or reports this data biomaterial definition.
- Definition Biomimetics:
- Dictionary Using biological form and function seen in nature to inspire the design of solutions to engineering problems biomaterial explain.
- Definition Biocompatibility:
- Dictionary biomaterial interacts in the body with the surrounding cells, tissues and other factors. A biomaterial is considered to have good biocompatibility if it does not generate a vigorous immune response biomaterial what is.
- Definition Brain-Computer Interface:
- Dictionary the brain’s electrical signals to allow individuals with limited mobility to learn to use their thoughts to move a computer cursor or other devices like a robotic arm or a wheelchair biomaterial meaning.