What is marsh michelle definition
Real name: Michelle Marsh. Biography of Michelle Marsh & facts.


Michelle Marsh aka Michelle biography

Name: Michelle
Surname: Marsh
Michelle Marsh birth name: Michelle Marsh
Michelle Marsh birthday: 1982-09-30
Michelle Marsh home town: Royton, Greater Manchester, England.
Michelle Marsh assets: 32FFs (natural).
Michelle Marsh vices:
Michelle Marsh height: 171 cm
Michelle Marsh job: Pin Up Girl.
Michelle Marsh hobbies
Michelle Marsh ethnicityWhite
Michelle Marsh breast size32
Michelle Marsh waist size26
Michelle Marsh hips size32
Michelle Marsh mottoBlondes definitely have more fun -- if I'm honest, I guess I'm a dirty blonde.

Michelle Marsh Who was Michelle Marsh aka Michelle Marsh life in Who is / biography M .