Computer terms and defintions L
- What is Lcd Definition Liquid Crystal Display. A method of producing an image using electrically sensitive crystals suspended in a liquid medium compare meaning
- What is Lockup Explain computer will not accept any input and may have stopped processing. It must be warm or cold booted to resume operating why meaning
- What is File Log What is A separate file, created with the BACKUP command, that keeps track of the names of all files written to the backup diskette(s how better meaning
- What is Editor Line Meaning A program that can make textual changes to an ASCII file, but can only make changes to one line of the file at a time when meaning
- What is Literal Abbreviation Something that is accepted exactly as it was submitted determines meaning
- What is Buffers Ahead Look How to read successively positioned disk sectors before those sectors are actually referenced by a program or command, thereby improving comparing to meaning
- What is Printer Quality Letter Help A printer that forms characters that are comparable to those of a typewriter depends on meaning
- What is Drives Logical Crossword Disk drives, created in an extended DOS partition, that do not physically exist, but DOS thinks they do which meaning
- What is Orientation Landscape Examples portrait) orientation for a printed page. With landscape orientation, the information is read by holding the long edge of the page difference meaning
- What is Feed Line Encyclopedia When the cursor on a screen moves to the next line, or when the printer moves the paper down to the next line when meaning
- What is Testing Logical Information about See decision making pros and cons meaning
- What is Printer Laser Tutorial pictures or text) by shining a laser on a photo static drum, which picks up toner and then transfers the image to paper similarities meaning
- What is On Logging Error a mainframe or telecommunications service. b> logical b> Something that is defined based on a decision, not by physical properties how much meaning
Computer definitions for beginners
What it means in computer science? Term related to computers.
Definition Logging on definition laser printer explain logical testing what is line feed meaning landscape orientation abbreviation logical drives how to letter-quality. explain.
What is LCD definition lockup explain log file what is line editor meaning help.