What is menghia catrinel definition
Real name: Catrinel Menghia. Biography of Catrinel Menghia & facts: Catrinel Menghia was discovered.


Catrinel Menghia aka Catrinel biography

Name: Catrinel
Surname: Menghia
Catrinel Menghia birth name: Catrinel Menghia
Catrinel Menghia birthday: 1985-10-01
Catrinel Menghia home town: Romania (Moldavia region).
Catrinel Menghia assets: perfect body, amazing face.
Catrinel Menghia vices:
Catrinel Menghia height: 171 cm
Catrinel Menghia job: Model, porno star.
Catrinel Menghia hobbies
Catrinel Menghia ethnicityWhite
Catrinel Menghia breast size34
Catrinel Menghia waist size27
Catrinel Menghia hips size36
Catrinel Menghia mottoshe is the most beautiful women on earth
Real biography: Catrinel Menghia was discovered by a local agent when she was 16 years old on the streets of her hometown in Romania. This guy took her to Bucharest to meet Liviu Ionescu of the MRA Agency. Six months later, her parents let her move to Bucharest and start an international modeling career that has made them all rich.

Menghia has been seen posing for various ad campaigns and the standard guy mags like FHM and Maxim.

Catrinel Menghia Who was Catrinel Menghia aka Catrinel Menghia life in Who is / biography M .