What is mauresmo amelie definition
Real name: Amélie Simone Mauresmo. Biography of Amelie Mauresmo & facts: Amélie Mauresmo is a.


Amélie Simone Mauresmo aka Amelie biography

Name: Amelie
Surname: Mauresmo
Amelie Mauresmo birth name: Amélie Simone Mauresmo
Amelie Mauresmo birthday: 1979-07-05
Amelie Mauresmo home town: Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
Amelie Mauresmo assets:
Amelie Mauresmo vices:
Amelie Mauresmo height: cm
Amelie Mauresmo job: Tennis Player.
Amelie Mauresmo hobbies
Amelie Mauresmo ethnicity
Amelie Mauresmo breast size
Amelie Mauresmo waist size
Amelie Mauresmo hips size
Amelie Mauresmo motto
Real biography:

Amélie Mauresmo is a French professional tennis player. She is a former World No. 1. Mauresmo won two Grand Slam singles titles in 2006, at the Australian Open and at Wimbledon.

Mauresmo first attained the top ranking on September 13, 2004, holding it for five weeks on that occasion. She was the fourteenth World No. 1 in women's tennis since the computer rankings began. She is well known for her powerful one-handed backhand and her strong net play. She is coached by Loïc Courteau.

Mauresmo is openly gay.

Amelie Mauresmo Who was Amélie Simone Mauresmo aka Amelie Mauresmo life in Who is / biography M .