What REPETITIVE MOTION DISORDERS means: Repetitive Motion Disorders - Any of various injuries caused by repetitive motion which may include Carpal tunnel syndrome, Bursitis, Tendonitis, Epicondylitis, Ganglion cyst, Tenosynovitis, Trigger finger, Writer's cramp, Repetitive Strain Injury, Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome, Tennis elbow, golfer's elbow.
- Definition Refsum Disease - Adult Refsum Disease (ARD):
- Dictionary Adult Refsum disease (ARD) is one of a group of genetic diseases called leukodystrophies, which damage the white matter of the brain and affect motor movements. Due to a genetic abnormality, people repetitive motion disorders definition.
- Definition Reye'S Syndrome:
- Dictionary Syndrome - a potentially fatal disease that causes numerous detrimental effects to many organs, especially the brain and liver. It is associated with aspirin consumption by children with viral repetitive motion disorders explain.
- Definition Repetitive Stress Injuries:
- Dictionary Injuries - (RSI), also called cumulative trauma disorder (CTD), occupational overuse syndrome, or work related upper limb disorder (WRULD), is any of a loose group of conditions resulting from repetitive motion disorders what is.
- Definition Ramsay Hunt Syndrome I:
- Dictionary Syndrome I - is a rare and nebulous entity that has alternatively been called dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica, dyssynergia cerebellaris progressiva, dentatorubral degeneration, or Ramsay Hunt repetitive motion disorders meaning.