What DIFFUSE SCLEROSIS means: Diffuse Sclerosis - Schilder's disease is not the same as Addison-Schilder disease (adrenoleukodystrophy). Schilder's disease is a rare progressive demyelinating disorder which usually begins in childhood. Symptoms may include dementia, aphasia, seizures, personality changes, poor attention, tremors, balance instability, incontinence, muscle weakness, headache, vomiting, and vision and speech impairment. The disorder is a variant of multiple sclerosis.
- Definition Dysautonomia:
- Dictionary refers to a disorder of autonomic nervous system (ANS) function. Most physicians view dysautonomia in terms of failure of the sympathetic or parasympathetic components of the ANS, but dysautonomia diffuse sclerosis definition.
- Definition Dentatorubral Atrophy:
- Dictionary Atrophy - Dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy is a rare neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cerebellar ataxia, myoclonic epilepsy, choreoathetosis, and dementia. The disorder is related to diffuse sclerosis explain.
- Definition Dementia:
- Dictionary Subcortical - Binswanger's disease (BD), also called subcortical vascular dementia, is a type of dementia caused by widespread, microscopic areas of damage to the deep layers of white matter in diffuse sclerosis what is.
- Definition Dyssynergia Cerebellaris Myoclonica:
- Dictionary Cerebellaris Myoclonica - refers to a collection of rare, degenerative, neurological disorders characterized by epilepsy, cognitive impairment, myoclonus, and progressive ataxia. Symptoms include diffuse sclerosis meaning.