What is statement conditional definition
How to use conditional statement - definition: controls the next step to be executed in the batch.



What is CONDITIONAL STATEMENT: A statement in a batch file or computer program that controls the next step to be executed in the batch file, based on the value of a logical test.

Definition Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Program:
Dictionary A sophisticated software package containing advanced graphics and drawing features. It is used by engineers, architects, and designers for drawing and design applications conditional statement definition.
Definition Control Focus:
Dictionary See input focus conditional statement explain.
Definition Cylinder:
Dictionary in the same place on different sides of a double-sided disk. It may be extended to include multiple platters. For example, Side 0 Track 30, Side 1 track 30, Side 2 Track 30 and Side 3 Track 30 form conditional statement what is.
Definition Chaining:
Dictionary of execution from one batch file to another. This represents an unconditional transfer of control. If you want to return control to a batch file you must use the CALL command when executing a batch conditional statement meaning.

How works conditional statement meaning in Dictionary C .

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