What is drayton definition
Real name: Kia Terrell. Biography of Kia Drayton & facts: Kia Terrell Drayton is an American model.


Kia Terrell aka Kia biography

Name: Kia
Surname: Drayton
Kia Drayton birth name: Kia Terrell
Kia Drayton birthday: 1983-04-11
Kia Drayton home town: Goldsboro, NC.
Kia Drayton assets:
Kia Drayton vices:
Kia Drayton height: 176 cm
Kia Drayton job: Model.
Kia Drayton hobbies
Kia Drayton ethnicityBlack
Kia Drayton breast size34
Kia Drayton waist size24
Kia Drayton hips size34
Kia Drayton motto
Real biography: Kia Terrell Drayton is an American model who was Playboy magazine's Playmate of the Month for December 2006. Prior to the lifetime achievement of becoming a Playmate, she also enjoyed success as the 2004 Hooter's Restaurant Swimsuit Calendar centerfold, an appearance in Smooth Magazine, and has been a calendar girl for multiple years with the Atlanta Dymes. She's also a DJ and music collector.

Kia Drayton Who was Kia Terrell aka Kia Drayton life in Who is / biography D .