What is shaw tracy definition
Real name: Tracy. Biography of Tracy Shaw & facts: Became engaged to Robert Ashworth in July 2000.


Tracy aka Tracy biography

Name: Tracy
Surname: Shaw
Tracy Shaw birth name: Tracy
Tracy Shaw birthday: 1973-07-28
Tracy Shaw home town: Belper.
Tracy Shaw assets:
Tracy Shaw vices:
Tracy Shaw height: 171 cm
Tracy Shaw job: Actress.
Tracy Shaw hobbies
Tracy Shaw ethnicity
Tracy Shaw breast size34
Tracy Shaw waist size23
Tracy Shaw hips size35
Tracy Shaw mottoBritish actress who played the part of Maxine Peacock in British soap opera Coronation Street.
Real biography: Became engaged to Robert Ashworth in July 2000 whilst holidaying in Dubai. Was previously engaged to actor Darren Day.

She has one younger brother named Darren. Her parents are Ann and Karl Shaw. She attended St. Benedict's School in Derbyshire and went to the Arden School of Theatre in Manchester in 1990 where she got a degree in theatre studies. She released two singles "Riding High" and "Happening all over again". She set up an eating disorder charity called "The Tracy Shaw Foundation" which helps teenagers combat eating disorders.

Son, Louis (b. March 2005)

Gave birth to her 2nd son called Luca Alexander on 12th September 2006 weighing 8lb 5oz.

Tracy Shaw Who was Tracy aka Tracy Shaw life in Who is / biography S .