What is kramer stepfanie definition
Real name: Stepfanie Kramer. Biography of Stepfanie Kramer & facts: Stepfanie Kramer is probably.


Stepfanie Kramer aka Stepfanie biography

Name: Stepfanie
Surname: Kramer
Stepfanie Kramer birth name: Stepfanie Kramer
Stepfanie Kramer birthday:
Stepfanie Kramer home town: Los Angeles, CA.
Stepfanie Kramer assets:
Stepfanie Kramer vices:
Stepfanie Kramer height: cm
Stepfanie Kramer job: Actress.
Stepfanie Kramer hobbies
Stepfanie Kramer ethnicityWhite
Stepfanie Kramer breast size
Stepfanie Kramer waist size
Stepfanie Kramer hips size
Stepfanie Kramer motto
Real biography:

Stepfanie Kramer is probably best known for her role as the tough-minded detective, Sgt. Dee Dee McCall on the popular NBC TV series Hunter. An important reason behind Hunter's popularity was Stepfanie's energetic portrayal of the witty and colorful detective. As a consequence, Stepfanie now has fans around the globe. She has been nominated for a Daytime Emmy and won the Outstanding Performance by a Lead Actress Award, honored by the First Americans in the Arts organization, in 1995, 2002 and 2003.

Stepfanie Kramer Who was Stepfanie Kramer aka Stepfanie Kramer life in Who is / biography K .