What is zaim naureen definition
Real name: Naureen Marie Zaim. Biography of Naureen Zaim & facts: Naureen Zaim may be just another.


Naureen Marie Zaim aka Naureen biography

Name: Naureen
Surname: Zaim
Naureen Zaim birth name: Naureen Marie Zaim
Naureen Zaim birthday: 1978-02-19
Naureen Zaim home town: Chicago, Illinois.
Naureen Zaim assets:
Naureen Zaim vices:
Naureen Zaim height: 171 cm
Naureen Zaim job: Actress/Model.
Naureen Zaim hobbiesBlowing...Glass.
Naureen Zaim ethnicity
Naureen Zaim breast size34
Naureen Zaim waist size24
Naureen Zaim hips size35
Naureen Zaim mottoFrench Foreign Legion?
Real biography: Naureen Zaim may be just another hot face who boxes other models, appears in movies, performs stunts, and holds degrees in painting and glass blowing. Actually no, she is the only one.

Life Story

With measurements of 34-24-35, it’s hard to believe you can think of anything else while you're looking at her. While she's great to look at, her acting talents should not be ignored (replace acting talents with boobs). Master Blasters may be a hit television series, but without Naureen's "acting talents" playing the “Hot Welding Chick,” it’s not much of anything. Her roles in movies like Wedding Crashers (2005) have helped elevate her to recognizable status, so all that was left was posing nude, so she did that too, truly showing off her "acting talents." Her beauty has definitely not gone unnoticed by the media, as she has appeared in several publications, including Maxim, Stuff and Thirteen Minutes magazine.

When Naureen appeared on Perfect 10 Model Boxing in 2006, she had a very eager audience. When she knocked out Vanessa Norris, she had the Grand Olympic Auditorium going wild.

Naureen Zaim Who was Naureen Marie Zaim aka Naureen Zaim life in Who is / biography Z .