What is iglesias triana definition
Real name: Triana Iglesias. Biography of Triana Iglesias & facts: IntroductionsTriana is known for.


Triana Iglesias aka Triana biography

Name: Triana
Surname: Iglesias
Triana Iglesias birth name: Triana Iglesias
Triana Iglesias birthday: 1982-03-19
Triana Iglesias home town: Oslo, Norway.
Triana Iglesias assets:
Triana Iglesias vices:
Triana Iglesias height: 163 cm
Triana Iglesias job: Model.
Triana Iglesias hobbies
Triana Iglesias ethnicity
Triana Iglesias breast size34
Triana Iglesias waist size24
Triana Iglesias hips size34
Triana Iglesias mottoStop throwing chess pieces at me, ya damn sore loser
Real biography: Introductions

Triana is known for her outgoing, down to earth, fun-loving personality. She of course also looks stunning like a goddess.

Life Story

Born in 1982, this Spanish-Norwegian beauty has already successfully established herself as an actress, television host, and a glamour model in Scandinavia. She has featured in many tv-shows, series, music videos, commercials and has already graced the covers of numerous magazines, like Playboy (US), FHM, Ice, People and Slitz all over Europe, USA and Australia.

Triana Iglesias Who was Triana Iglesias aka Triana Iglesias life in Who is / biography I .