What is gretzky paulina definition
Real name: Paulina Mary Jean Gretzky. Biography of Paulina Gretzky & facts: Image: thumb]] Paulina.


Paulina Mary Jean Gretzky aka Paulina biography

Name: Paulina
Surname: Gretzky
Paulina Gretzky birth name: Paulina Mary Jean Gretzky
Paulina Gretzky birthday: 1988-12-19
Paulina Gretzky home town: Los Angeles, CA.
Paulina Gretzky assets:
Paulina Gretzky vices:
Paulina Gretzky height: cm
Paulina Gretzky job: Singer, Model.
Paulina Gretzky hobbies
Paulina Gretzky ethnicityWhite
Paulina Gretzky breast size
Paulina Gretzky waist size
Paulina Gretzky hips size
Paulina Gretzky mottoWhere I live around no one's pressured me to be Wayne Gretzky's daughter.
Real biography: [[Image: thumb]]

Paulina Gretzky is at first famous by association: Her father is legendary hockey player Wayne Gretzky. But with a fledging career in music and film, she's starting to earn celebrity on her own.

Although most of her fame and fortune to date has been attributed to her family name, she's displayed multiple talents in modeling, acting and singing. In August 2005, Paulina appeared on the cover of FLARE magazine, showing the first glimmerings of a talent for modeling.

Paulina scored a television hit with her song "Collecting Dust" when it was featured on MTV's Laguna Beach. The forums, message boards and chat rooms for MTV's hit show were flooded with comments, questions and requests for the song.

Paulina Gretzky Who was Paulina Mary Jean Gretzky aka Paulina Gretzky life in Who is / biography G .