What is calhoun monica definition
Real name: Monica Calhoun. Biography of Monica Calhoun & facts: Monica Calhoun has appeared in.


Monica Calhoun aka Monica biography

Name: Monica
Surname: Calhoun
Monica Calhoun birth name: Monica Calhoun
Monica Calhoun birthday: 1971-07-29
Monica Calhoun home town: Atlanta GA.
Monica Calhoun assets:
Monica Calhoun vices:
Monica Calhoun height: cm
Monica Calhoun job: Actress.
Monica Calhoun hobbies
Monica Calhoun ethnicityBlack
Monica Calhoun breast size
Monica Calhoun waist size
Monica Calhoun hips size
Monica Calhoun motto
Real biography: Monica Calhoun has appeared in several sitcoms including Bagdad Café, The Wayans Bros., A Different World and The Jamie Foxx Show.

Her film work includes portraying the cousin of actress LisaRaye in Ice Cube's directorial debut The Players Club;The Best Man (1999 film); Love & Basketball (film) and 2007's The Salon in 2007.

Monica Calhoun Who was Monica Calhoun aka Monica Calhoun life in Who is / biography C .