What is carangi definition
Real name: Gia Carangi. Biography of Gia Carangi & facts: Gia Carangi was one of the leading.


Gia Carangi aka Gia biography

Name: Gia
Surname: Carangi
Gia Carangi birth name: Gia Carangi
Gia Carangi birthday: 1960-01-29
Gia Carangi home town: Philadelphia, PA.
Gia Carangi assets: "The best tits in the biz".
Gia Carangi vices:
Gia Carangi height: 173 cm
Gia Carangi job: Supermodel.
Gia Carangi hobbies
Gia Carangi ethnicityWhite
Gia Carangi breast size34
Gia Carangi waist size24
Gia Carangi hips size35
Gia Carangi motto
Real biography: Gia Carangi was one of the leading fashion models of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Depending on who you listen to, she was the "world's first supermodel" years before anyone coined the phrase, although her friend Janice Dickinson has also laid claim to the title.

Gia Carangi Who was Gia Carangi aka Gia Carangi life in Who is / biography C .