What is tansley brooke definition
Real name: Brooke Tansley. Biography of Brooke Tansley & facts: Brooke was the first actress from.


Brooke Tansley aka Brooke biography

Name: Brooke
Surname: Tansley
Brooke Tansley birth name: Brooke Tansley
Brooke Tansley birthday: 1981-04-26
Brooke Tansley home town: Waterbury, CT.
Brooke Tansley assets:
Brooke Tansley vices:
Brooke Tansley height: 163 cm
Brooke Tansley job: Actress, Singer, Writer.
Brooke Tansley hobbiespainting, the, outdoors.
Brooke Tansley ethnicityWhite
Brooke Tansley breast size34
Brooke Tansley waist size24
Brooke Tansley hips size34
Brooke Tansley motto
Real biography: Brooke was the first actress from her hometown of Waterbury, Connecticut to star on Broadway since Rosalind Russell in 1953's "Wonderful Town".

She and her brother, Scott, once filled out 3,000 contest entries and won a trip to Disney World. Another trip to Disney was paid for by collecting cans.

Took "an incredible six week cross country adventure" before officially moving to Los Angeles, California in 2007.

Brooke is of Italian, Spanish, Irish, and English descent.

Brooke Tansley Who was Brooke Tansley aka Brooke Tansley life in Who is / biography T .