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Real name: Bridget Jane Fonda. Biography of Bridget Fonda & facts.


Bridget Jane Fonda aka Bridget biography

Name: Bridget
Surname: Fonda
Bridget Fonda birth name: Bridget Jane Fonda
Bridget Fonda birthday: 1964-01-27
Nickname: None
Bridget Fonda home town: Los Angeles, California, USA.
Bridget Fonda assets:
Bridget Fonda vices:
Bridget Fonda height: 168 cm
Bridget Fonda job: Actress, Model.
Bridget Fonda hobbies
Bridget Fonda ethnicityWhite
Bridget Fonda breast size30
Bridget Fonda waist size26
Bridget Fonda hips size33
Bridget Fonda mottoI can be pretty nasty. Not 'mean' nasty, but nasty by your parents' standards. But not by my parents' standards, because my parents were nasty for their day.

Bridget Fonda Who was Bridget Jane Fonda aka Bridget Fonda life in Who is / biography F .