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Real name: Ann Hart Coulter. Biography of Ann Coulter & facts.


Ann Hart Coulter aka Ann biography

Name: Ann
Surname: Coulter
Ann Coulter birth name: Ann Hart Coulter
Ann Coulter birthday: 1961-12-08
Nickname: Manhattan Ann
Ann Coulter home town: New York City, NY.
Ann Coulter assets: Likes dressing like a slut..
Ann Coulter vices: Media whore. Looks like a man.
Ann Coulter height: 183 cm
Ann Coulter job: Media Whore, Author.
Ann Coulter hobbiesDeadheading, reading.
Ann Coulter ethnicityWhite
Ann Coulter breast size30
Ann Coulter waist size34
Ann Coulter hips size33
Ann Coulter mottoIf we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president.

Ann Coulter Who was Ann Hart Coulter aka Ann Coulter life in Who is / biography C .