What is beauva garcelle definition
Real name: Garcelle Beauvais. Biography of Garcelle Beauvais & facts: Garcelle is a Haitian born.


Garcelle Beauvais aka Garcelle biography

Name: Garcelle
Surname: Beauvais
Garcelle Beauvais birth name: Garcelle Beauvais
Garcelle Beauvais birthday: 1966-11-26
Garcelle Beauvais home town: New York, NY.
Garcelle Beauvais assets: Amazing backside.
Garcelle Beauvais vices: Gossip queen
Garcelle Beauvais height: 176 cm
Garcelle Beauvais job: Actress, model.
Garcelle Beauvais hobbies
Garcelle Beauvais ethnicityBlack
Garcelle Beauvais breast size34
Garcelle Beauvais waist size23
Garcelle Beauvais hips size34
Garcelle Beauvais motto
Real biography: Garcelle is a Haitian born actress who has become one of the most popular black models of all time. The readers of Black Men Magazine voted her as on of the sexiest women of 2001. The other women include Tyra Banks, Vivica Fox, Jada Pinkett Smith and Beyonce Knowles. Garcelle has performed on many popular sitcoms including Family Matters, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Hanging with Mr. Cooper.

Life Story

Garcelle moved to America when she was a little girl and was quickly swept away by the American way of life. When she was 17 she decided she wanted to become a model and moved to New York City. After finding moderate success she moved to LA to pursue acting. It was there that she joined LA’s comedy troupe The Groundings. (Honestly when was the last time you heard of a model that was actually funny. In the words of my father: Jackpot!). Thanks to the success of this group she was able to find work on numerous sitcoms and movies, including Coming to America and Wild Wild West (also starring Salma Hayek). Her last film was I Know Who Killed Me with Lindsay Lohan, although a more appropriate title for the film might be I Know What Killed My Career because that movie sucked hard. Really hard. We’re talking porno hard. We will have to wait and see if Garcelle can find more work after this bomb, cause she’s got nothing showing up on IMDB.

Garcelle Beauvais Who was Garcelle Beauvais aka Garcelle Beauvais life in Who is / biography B .