What is cotton fearne definition
Real name: Fearne Marie Cotton. Biography of Fearne Cotton & facts.


Fearne Marie Cotton aka Fearne biography

Name: Fearne
Surname: Cotton
Fearne Cotton birth name: Fearne Marie Cotton
Fearne Cotton birthday: 1981-09-03
Fearne Cotton home town: Northwood, London.
Fearne Cotton assets: Funny and bubbly, know Holly Willoughby.
Fearne Cotton vices: Smoking,bad taste in clothes
Fearne Cotton height: 163 cm
Fearne Cotton job: TV Presenter.
Fearne Cotton hobbies
Fearne Cotton ethnicityWhite
Fearne Cotton breast size30
Fearne Cotton waist size26
Fearne Cotton hips size33
Fearne Cotton mottoI look like an egg

Fearne Cotton Who was Fearne Marie Cotton aka Fearne Cotton life in Who is / biography C .