What is chiu connie definition
Real name: Connie Chiu. Biography of Connie Chiu & facts: Connie Chiu is the only albino supermodel.


Connie Chiu aka Connie biography

Name: Connie
Surname: Chiu
Connie Chiu birth name: Connie Chiu
Connie Chiu birthday:
Nickname: Connie
Connie Chiu home town: Hong Kong.
Connie Chiu assets: almost white hair, very pale eyes.
Connie Chiu vices:
Connie Chiu height: 176 cm
Connie Chiu job: Model.
Connie Chiu hobbies
Connie Chiu ethnicityAsian
Connie Chiu breast size32
Connie Chiu waist size24
Connie Chiu hips size33
Connie Chiu mottoThe only albino supermodel in the world.
Real biography:

Connie Chiu is the only albino supermodel of the world. Born in Hong Kong she emigrated at the age of seven with her family to Sweden.Only at the age of 25 the literature student decided to try out modeling, however, she posed already for top photographers like Terry Richardson and Nick Knight before the camera.When shes not writing her short stories, Connie appears in television films.

Connie Chiu Who was Connie Chiu aka Connie Chiu life in Who is / biography C .