What is wellington adar definition
Real name: Unknown. Biography of Adar Wellington & facts: Cheerleader and dancer for the New Jersey.


Unknown aka Adar biography

Name: Adar
Surname: Wellington
Adar Wellington birth name: Unknown
Adar Wellington birthday:
Adar Wellington home town: Cherry Hill, NJ.
Adar Wellington assets:
Adar Wellington vices:
Adar Wellington height: cm
Adar Wellington job: Model, dancer & cheerleader.
Adar Wellington hobbies
Adar Wellington ethnicityBlack
Adar Wellington breast size
Adar Wellington waist size
Adar Wellington hips size
Adar Wellington motto
Real biography: Cheerleader and dancer for the New Jersey Nets from 2005-2008. Adar has studied jazz, ballet, hip-hop, and modern for 18 years. She trained at Rutgers University, where she was a member of their dance team, and she continues to study at Broadway Dance Center in NYC. Her professional credits include the 2004 Ashanti tour and BET Awards, performing with LL Cool J and Ciara at Hip Hop Honors, touring with Rihanna, dancing with Panic at the Disco at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards, and performing with Fergie and Elton John at Fashion Rocks. Adar’s future aspiration is to continue to grow in the world of entertainment.

Adar Wellington Who was Unknown aka Adar Wellington life in Who is / biography W .