What is gift meaning definition
Define Gift Tax facts. Notion of on the value of gifts exceeding a specified amount, which is.


Gift Tax Definition

What GIFT TAX means: A graduated federal tax paid by donors on the value of gifts exceeding a specified amount, which is indexed for inflation. For the current amount, see IRS Publication 950 or Form 709.

Definition Golden Parachute:
Dictionary An agreement entered into by a corporation with its top executives to make payments to the executives in the event of a change in corporate control. Such payments are treated as compensation gift tax definition.
Definition General Depreciation System:
Dictionary used method for computing MACRS depreciation. Personal property is depreciated using the declining-balance method (double or 150 percent, depending on the recovery class) switching to straight line gift tax explain.
Definition Government Bonds Issued At A Discount:
Dictionary Government bonds (Series E and EE) are issued at a discount and do not pay interest during the life of the bond. Instead, the bonds are redeemable at increasing fixed amounts. Thus, the difference gift tax what is.
Definition Group Term Life Insurance:
Dictionary coverage purchased by an employer for a group of employees. Such insurance is renewable on a year-to-year basis and does not accumulate in value; that is, no cash surrender value is built up. The gift tax meaning.

How works Gift Tax meaning in Tax definitions G .

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