What FICA (FEDERAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS ACT) means: The law that provides for social security and Medicare benefits. This program is financed by payroll taxes imposed equally on the employer and the employee. See our Social Securty Wages and Earnings Base for the current wage base.
- Definition Finance Charges:
- Dictionary Amounts paid for the privilege of making purchases on a deferred-payment basis fica (federal insurance contributions act) definition.
- Definition Fair Market Value (FMV):
- Dictionary The amount at which property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts fica (federal insurance contributions act) explain.
- Definition Foreign Tax Credit Or Deduction:
- Dictionary deduction available to a U. S. citizen or resident alien, and in limited circumstances to a U. S. nonresident alien, who incurs or pays income taxes to a country other than the United States fica (federal insurance contributions act) what is.
- Definition Full-Time Student:
- Dictionary full-time student if the dependent is enrolled in a school for the number of hours or courses considered by the school to be full-time during some part of at least 5 calendar months during the year fica (federal insurance contributions act) meaning.
How works FICA (Federal Insurance meaning in Tax definitions F .