What DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN means: A defined contribution plan is an employer-provided retirement plan under which a separate account is provided for each plan participant. Benefits depend on the amount contributed to the plan and the amoount eanred by those contributions.
- Definition Dependent Care Credit:
- Dictionary See "Child and Dependent Care Credit." defined contribution plan definition.
- Definition Defined Benefit Plan:
- Dictionary A defined benefit plan is any employer-provided retirement plan that is not a defined contribution plan (defined elsewhere). The most common type of defined benefit plan is a pension plan defined contribution plan explain.
- Definition Deferred Gain:
- Dictionary The part of realized gain on an exchange of property that is not currently taxed. The gain generally is taxed at the time the property acquired in the exchqnge is sold defined contribution plan what is.
- Definition Deduction:
- Dictionary An amount that may be subtracted from income that is otherwise taxable defined contribution plan meaning.
How works Defined Contribution Plan meaning in Tax definitions D .