What DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN means: A defined benefit plan is any employer-provided retirement plan that is not a defined contribution plan (defined elsewhere). The most common type of defined benefit plan is a pension plan.
- Definition Dependent Care Credit:
- Dictionary See "Child and Dependent Care Credit." defined benefit plan definition.
- Definition Declining Balance Method Of Depreciation:
- Dictionary method of depreciation under which the depreciable basis for the following year is reduced by the depreciation deduction taken in the current year. The depreciation decution therefore decreases each defined benefit plan explain.
- Definition Depreciable Asset:
- Dictionary Tangible personal property or real property used in business or held for the production of income with a determinable useful life of more than one year defined benefit plan what is.
- Definition Divorce Decree (Interlocutory):
- Dictionary A divorce decree that is not yet final defined benefit plan meaning.
How works Defined Benefit Plan meaning in Tax definitions D .