What is echoing environment explain definition
Expansion cards definition external command explain expanded memory (EMS) what is error level.

Computer terms and defintions E

  • What is Echoing Definition Displaying on your video monitor the keystrokes you type in compare meaning
  • What is Environment Explain The context within which DOS interfaces with you and with your commands why meaning
  • What is Partition Dos Extended What is A hard-disk partition used to exceed the 32Mb, single-disk barrier; it can be divided into logical disk drives how better meaning
  • What is end-of-file marker Meaning A Ctrl-Z code that marks the logical end of a file when meaning
  • What is Extension Abbreviation The one to three characters after the period following the base name in a file specification determines meaning
  • What is Slots Expansion How to Connectors inside the computer in which expansion cards are placed so that they tie in directly to the system comparing to meaning
  • What is Memory Extended Help general-purpose support beyond the DOS 640K addressing limit for 80286, 80386 and 80486 computers. Extended memory is accessed contiguously depends on meaning
  • What is Edit Crossword The full-screen DOS tex: editor which meaning
  • What is Edlin Examples A simple line editor included with DOS difference meaning
  • What is Codes Ascii Extended Encyclopedia ASCII codes between 128 and 255, which usually differ from computer to computer when meaning
  • What is Buffer External Information about A device, connected to the computer and another device, that acts as a buffer pros and cons meaning
  • What is Level Error Tutorial A code, set by programs as they conclude processing, that tells DOS whether an error occurred, and if so, the severity of that error similarities meaning
  • What is Ems Memory Expanded Error above one megabyte and conform to the industry standard LIM-EMS (Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification). Can be emulated in how much meaning
  • What is Command External Answer A command whose procedures are read from the disk into memory, executed from memory, and then erased from memory when finished how many meaning
  • What is Cards Expansion Means what Add-on circuit boards through which hardware can increase the power of the system, such as adding extra memory or a modem compare meaning

Computer definitions for beginners

What it means in computer science? Term related to computers.

Definition Expansion cards definition external command explain expanded memory (EMS) what is error level meaning external buffer abbreviation extended ASCII codes how to. explain.

What is Echoing definition environment explain extended DOS partition what is help.