What is stop definition
How to use stop bit - definition: bits to indicate that no more data bits follow. Compare to start.


STOP BIT definition

What is STOP BIT: In asynchronous communications, the bit sent after the data bits to indicate that no more data bits follow. Compare to start bit.

Definition Share Ware:
Dictionary Software that is made available for free but displays a polite request for a donation to help offset the cost of making it widely available. See also public domain stop bit definition.
Definition Software Interrupt:
Dictionary software program that calls up a routine that is resident in the computer's basic programming. It is also a software signal to the computer that the software program has finished or has a stop bit explain.
Definition Software:
Dictionary The programs and instruction sets that operate the computer stop bit what is.
Definition Subdirectory:
Dictionary A directory contained within another directory or subdirectory. Technically, all directories other than the root directory are subdirectories stop bit meaning.

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