What is ROM: Read-Only Memory. The section of memory that you can only read from. This contains a small portion of the basic computer operating system, as well as certain hardware-support routines.
- Definition RAM Disk:
- Dictionary An area of RAM that acts as if it were a disk drive. All data in this area of memory is lost when the computer is turned off or warm booted. It is also known as a virtual disk rom definition.
- Definition Range:
- Dictionary A contiguous series of values (minimum to maximum, first to last, and so on rom explain.
- Definition Read/Write Attribute:
- Dictionary The bit in a file specification that indicates whether a file can accept changes or deletions, or can only be accessed for reading rom what is.
- Definition Read-After-Write Verification:
- Dictionary validity checking, invoked with the VERIFY command or the /V switch in conjunction with COPY, DISKCOPY, or XCOPY. It rereads data after writing it to disk, comparing the written data to the original rom meaning.
How works ROM meaning in Dictionary R .