What is mayes ursula definition
Real name: Ursula Mayes. Biography of Ursula Mayes & facts: IntroductionUrsula Mayes is a rising.


Ursula Mayes aka Ursula biography

Name: Ursula
Surname: Mayes
Ursula Mayes birth name: Ursula Mayes
Ursula Mayes birthday: 1979-08-09
Ursula Mayes home town: Los Angeles, Ca.
Ursula Mayes assets: She has the best aspects of three different ethnicities which makes her really hot.
Ursula Mayes vices: She is taken
Ursula Mayes height: 168 cm
Ursula Mayes job: Actress, model.
Ursula Mayes hobbiesSwimming, cycling, drifting.
Ursula Mayes ethnicityMixed
Ursula Mayes breast size34
Ursula Mayes waist size23
Ursula Mayes hips size33
Ursula Mayes mottoI have no shame
Real biography: Introduction

Ursula Mayes is a rising actress, model and singer. She has appeared on the TV show Deal or No Deal as a model, and she has appeared in the film Redline as a flag girl.

Life Story

She also appeared on the informercial Big Guns. (Is it just us or does that sound like that the infomercial Samuel L. Jackson was watching in Jackie Brown. You know where the hot girls in bikinis are firing automic weapons. If so that is so hot.) Obviously Ursula has not made it yet, but she is on her way. If you just look at her, you realize her Korean, Native American, and German blood are working for her overtime. So take a good look now, before she lands a role that makes the whole world take notice.

Ursula Mayes Who was Ursula Mayes aka Ursula Mayes life in Who is / biography M .