What is kolber suzy definition
Real name: Susanne Lesley Kolber. Biography of Suzy Kolber & facts.


Susanne Lesley Kolber aka Suzy biography

Name: Suzy
Surname: Kolber
Suzy Kolber birth name: Susanne Lesley Kolber
Suzy Kolber birthday: 1964-05-14
Suzy Kolber home town: Philadelphia, PA.
Suzy Kolber assets: Pretty face, Likes watching football.
Suzy Kolber vices: Perfectionist
Suzy Kolber height: 163 cm
Suzy Kolber job: ESPN Anchor.
Suzy Kolber hobbies
Suzy Kolber ethnicityWhite
Suzy Kolber breast size30
Suzy Kolber waist size23
Suzy Kolber hips size33
Suzy Kolber mottoIt's all about connecting with other people

Suzy Kolber Who was Susanne Lesley Kolber aka Suzy Kolber life in Who is / biography K .