What is valentine stacy definition
Real name: Stacy Baker. Biography of Stacy Valentine & facts.


Stacy Baker aka Stacy biography

Name: Stacy
Surname: Valentine
Stacy Valentine birth name: Stacy Baker
Stacy Valentine birthday: 1970-08-09
Nickname: Staci Valentine
Stacy Valentine home town: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
Stacy Valentine assets:
Stacy Valentine vices:
Stacy Valentine height: 163 cm
Stacy Valentine job: Pornographic Actress.
Stacy Valentine hobbies
Stacy Valentine ethnicity
Stacy Valentine breast size34
Stacy Valentine waist size24
Stacy Valentine hips size34
Stacy Valentine mottoChose the name "Stacy Valentine" because her first name is really Stacy and she made her first adult movie on Valentine's day.

Stacy Valentine Who was Stacy Baker aka Stacy Valentine life in Who is / biography V .