What is carrere sonia definition
Real name: Sonia Carrere. Biography of Sonia Carrere & facts: Sonia is one of the most beautiful.


Sonia Carrere aka Sonia biography

Name: Sonia
Surname: Carrere
Sonia Carrere birth name: Sonia Carrere
Sonia Carrere birthday: 1982-03-31
Sonia Carrere home town: Marseille.
Sonia Carrere assets: Incredible natural breasts.
Sonia Carrere vices: Boys - music
Sonia Carrere height: 163 cm
Sonia Carrere job: Pop Star - Actress.
Sonia Carrere hobbiesboys.
Sonia Carrere ethnicityWhite
Sonia Carrere breast size34
Sonia Carrere waist size27
Sonia Carrere hips size40
Sonia Carrere mottoFrance to Miami and back again...
Real biography: Sonia is one of the most beautiful adult film stars I have ever seen. She is exceptional in every way. She has appeared in French and Us films with many appearances on the Bangbros.com web site. Her current endevor is in the pop music industry.

Sonia Carrere Who was Sonia Carrere aka Sonia Carrere life in Who is / biography C .