What is smith definition
Real name: Smith Cho. Biography of Smith Cho & facts: Smith Cho has appeared in such movies as Bad.


Smith Cho aka Smith biography

Name: Smith
Surname: Cho
Smith Cho birth name: Smith Cho
Smith Cho birthday:
Smith Cho home town: Unknown.
Smith Cho assets:
Smith Cho vices:
Smith Cho height: cm
Smith Cho job: Actress.
Smith Cho hobbies
Smith Cho ethnicityAsian
Smith Cho breast size
Smith Cho waist size
Smith Cho hips size
Smith Cho motto
Real biography:

Smith Cho has appeared in such movies as Bad Boys II, Norbit, Pie in the Sky, and Blades of Glory, and had a lead role in "Ping Pong Playa".

She has had numerous roles on television, including a starring role in Emily's Reasons Why Not, and has appeared in over 25 commercials.

Smith Cho Who was Smith Cho aka Smith Cho life in Who is / biography C .