What is maclaine shirley definition
Real name: Shirley MacLean Beaty. Biography of Shirley MacLaine & facts.


Shirley MacLean Beaty aka Shirley biography

Name: Shirley
Surname: MacLaine
Shirley MacLaine birth name: Shirley MacLean Beaty
Shirley MacLaine birthday:
Shirley MacLaine home town: Richmond, Virginia.
Shirley MacLaine assets:
Shirley MacLaine vices:
Shirley MacLaine height: 171 cm
Shirley MacLaine job: Actress.
Shirley MacLaine hobbies
Shirley MacLaine ethnicityWhite
Shirley MacLaine breast size34
Shirley MacLaine waist size24
Shirley MacLaine hips size34
Shirley MacLaine mottoIt is useless to hold a person to anything he says while he's in love, drunk, or running for office.

Shirley MacLaine Who was Shirley MacLean Beaty aka Shirley MacLaine life in Who is / biography M .