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Real name: Penelope Andrea Miller. Biography of Penelope Ann Miller & facts.


Penelope Andrea Miller aka Penelope biography

Name: Penelope
Surname: Ann Miller
Penelope Ann Miller birth name: Penelope Andrea Miller
Penelope Ann Miller birthday: 1964-01-13
Penelope Ann Miller home town: Los Angeles, California.
Penelope Ann Miller assets:
Penelope Ann Miller vices:
Penelope Ann Miller height: 171 cm
Penelope Ann Miller job: Actress.
Penelope Ann Miller hobbies
Penelope Ann Miller ethnicityWhite
Penelope Ann Miller breast size36
Penelope Ann Miller waist size26
Penelope Ann Miller hips size36
Penelope Ann Miller mottoI look to longevity. I just consider myself an actress and getting good roles. If being a 'superstar' gets me good roles, then that's a positive thing. But my goal isn't just to be a superstar. It's to act for a long time.

Penelope Ann Miller Who was Penelope Andrea Miller aka Penelope Ann Miller life in Who is / biography A .