What is patricia definition
Real name: Patricia Ja Lee. Biography of Patricia Ja Lee & facts.


Patricia Ja Lee aka Patricia biography

Name: Patricia
Surname: Ja Lee
Patricia Ja Lee birth name: Patricia Ja Lee
Patricia Ja Lee birthday: 1975-07-19
Patricia Ja Lee home town: USA.
Patricia Ja Lee assets: martial arts, voice acting, Korean heritage.
Patricia Ja Lee vices:
Patricia Ja Lee height: 166 cm
Patricia Ja Lee job: Actress.
Patricia Ja Lee hobbiessnowboarding, beading, jewelry, painting, writing, poetry, photgraphy.
Patricia Ja Lee ethnicityAsian
Patricia Ja Lee breast size30
Patricia Ja Lee waist size24
Patricia Ja Lee hips size33
Patricia Ja Lee mottoI've pretty much boxed and shipped out ALL my pink clothes to needy children around the world.

Patricia Ja Lee Who was Patricia Ja Lee aka Patricia Ja Lee life in Who is / biography J .