What is nichols nichelle definition
Real name: Grace Nichols. Biography of Nichelle Nichols & facts.


Grace Nichols aka Nichelle biography

Name: Nichelle
Surname: Nichols
Nichelle Nichols birth name: Grace Nichols
Nichelle Nichols birthday:
Nichelle Nichols home town: Robbins, Illinois.
Nichelle Nichols assets:
Nichelle Nichols vices:
Nichelle Nichols height: 166 cm
Nichelle Nichols job: Actress.
Nichelle Nichols hobbies
Nichelle Nichols ethnicityBlack
Nichelle Nichols breast size36
Nichelle Nichols waist size23
Nichelle Nichols hips size37
Nichelle Nichols mottoI'm a fan of the fans. I love them. They're fabulous. I love being around them. I love their madness and their caring.

Nichelle Nichols Who was Grace Nichols aka Nichelle Nichols life in Who is / biography N .