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Real name: Nekisha L Mohan. Biography of Neki Mohan & facts: News reporter Neki Mohan has worked.


Nekisha L Mohan aka Neki biography

Name: Neki
Surname: Mohan
Neki Mohan birth name: Nekisha L Mohan
Neki Mohan birthday:
Neki Mohan home town: New York City, NY.
Neki Mohan assets:
Neki Mohan vices:
Neki Mohan height: cm
Neki Mohan job: newsbabe.
Neki Mohan hobbies
Neki Mohan ethnicityMixed
Neki Mohan breast size
Neki Mohan waist size
Neki Mohan hips size
Neki Mohan motto
Real biography:

News reporter Neki Mohan has worked throughout the country, but she feels most at home here in South Florida.

Born in New York and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, Neki connects with the thousands in the Caribbean community that have made their homes here. She is very active in the Caribbean community and understands the unique qualities that contribute to the diverse blend that is South Florida.

Neki joined the Local 10 News team in July 2004, just in time to cover four hurricanes in a row. She got international attention as the only television journalist to report live from Jamaica during Hurricane Ivan.

Neki came to Local 10 from Cleveland, Ohio where she anchored the morning and noon show and did special reports.

Neki has also worked in Los Angeles, Jackson, Miss., Washington D.C. and another station here in Miami. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism and Politics from the University of Maryland at College Park.

Neki is an avid runner, a mentor with the Women of Tomorrow organization and participates in many charitable causes. The American Heart Association, The Boys and Girls Club and Overtown Youth Center to name a few.

In her free time Neki enjoys travelling the world with her family.

Neki Mohan Who was Nekisha L Mohan aka Neki Mohan life in Who is / biography M .