What is aroyo mira definition
Real name: Mira Aroyo. Biography of Mira Aroyo & facts: Mira Aroyo (Bulgarian: Мира Аройо), born in.


Mira Aroyo aka Mira biography

Name: Mira
Surname: Aroyo
Mira Aroyo birth name: Mira Aroyo
Mira Aroyo birthday:
Mira Aroyo home town: Sofia, Bulgaria.
Mira Aroyo assets:
Mira Aroyo vices:
Mira Aroyo height: 176 cm
Mira Aroyo job: Musician.
Mira Aroyo hobbies
Mira Aroyo ethnicityMixed
Mira Aroyo breast size
Mira Aroyo waist size
Mira Aroyo hips size
Mira Aroyo motto
Real biography: Mira Aroyo (Bulgarian: Мира Аройо), born in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1977, and now living in London, is a member of the electropop band Ladytron.

Of mixed Bulgarian and Hasidic background, Aroyo moved with her family to Israel when she was ten. She is the only member of Ladytron that never lived in Liverpool: Reuben Wu and Daniel Hunt were raised in the city and Helen Marnie studied there. While a DJ in London, Aroyo met Danny Hunt through mutual friends and found that they were DJing the same kind of music. Mira's role in Ladytron has been keyboardist, singer, and as a songwriter. She writes and sings her songs for Ladytron in her native Bulgarian as well as in English.

Besides having musical interests and abilities, Aroyo has a PhD in molecular genetics from Oxford University.[citation needed] Oxford University's official website confirms that she was a postgraduate research geneticist in the University's Biochemistry department. She co-authored an article on 'Species specificity in the activation of Xer recombination at dif by FtsK', published in Molecular Microbiology, 2003. She is a vegetarian.

Mira Aroyo Who was Mira Aroyo aka Mira Aroyo life in Who is / biography A .