What is govich milena definition
Real name: Milena Govich. Biography of Milena Govich & facts: Milena Govich was born in Norman.


Milena Govich aka Milena biography

Name: Milena
Surname: Govich
Milena Govich birth name: Milena Govich
Milena Govich birthday: 1976-10-29
Nickname: .
Milena Govich home town: Norman, Oklahoma.
Milena Govich assets: Hot Body, Hot Temper.
Milena Govich vices: .
Milena Govich height: 166 cm
Milena Govich job: Actress.
Milena Govich hobbiesTheatre.
Milena Govich ethnicityWhite
Milena Govich breast size34
Milena Govich waist size24
Milena Govich hips size33
Milena Govich mottoWhen you come to New York, you need to come prepared. Don't expect to learn along the way
Real biography: Milena Govich was born in Norman, Oklahoma to academic parents. She left college to pursue an acting career. Milena has appeared on Broadway in Cabaret, The Boys from Syracuse and Good Vibrations. As Det. Nina Cassady she broke the typical cop mould appearing as the first female lead detective on Dick Wolf's 'Law and Order'. Recent appearances include K-Ville and the movie Sordid Things.

Milena Govich Who was Milena Govich aka Milena Govich life in Who is / biography G .