What is venier mara definition
Real name: Mara Povoleri. Biography of Mara Venier & facts: Mara Venier (born Mara Povoleri, 20.


Mara Povoleri aka Mara biography

Name: Mara
Surname: Venier
Mara Venier birth name: Mara Povoleri
Mara Venier birthday: 1950-10-20
Nickname: Mara Venier
Mara Venier home town: Venezia.
Mara Venier assets:
Mara Venier vices:
Mara Venier height: 155 cm
Mara Venier job: Anchorwoman, actress.
Mara Venier hobbies
Mara Venier ethnicityWhite
Mara Venier breast size38
Mara Venier waist size26
Mara Venier hips size37
Mara Venier motto
Real biography:

Mara Venier (born Mara Povoleri, 20 October 1950) is an italian actress and anchorwoman.She started acting in 1973 in Sergio Capogna's "Diario di un italiano". Her most important movies are "Zappatore" (Alfonso Brescia, 1980), "Testa o croce" (Nanni Loy, 1982), "Al bar dello sport" (Francesco Massara, 1983) and "Caramelle da uno sconosciuto" (Franco Ferrini, 1987).But the most of her success is due to the tv-show "Domenica in", which she hosted from 1993 to 1997 and from 2001 to 2003.

Mara Venier Who was Mara Povoleri aka Mara Venier life in Who is / biography V .