What is hogan linda definition
Real name: Linda Claridge. Biography of Linda Hogan & facts: IntroductionLinda Hogan (Linda Bollea.


Linda Claridge aka Linda biography

Name: Linda
Surname: Hogan
Linda Hogan birth name: Linda Claridge
Linda Hogan birthday:
Linda Hogan home town: Miami, FL.
Linda Hogan assets: Last name.
Linda Hogan vices: Not being too bright
Linda Hogan height: 173 cm
Linda Hogan job: Ex-Wife, Reality TV Star.
Linda Hogan hobbies
Linda Hogan ethnicityWhite
Linda Hogan breast size
Linda Hogan waist size
Linda Hogan hips size
Linda Hogan mottoI can't be married to another person for 30 years; I can't grow up with another person -- that just won't happen, not in this lifetime
Real biography: Introduction

Linda Hogan (Linda Bollea) was the wife of wrestler Hulk Hogan, the mother of wannabe pop star Brooke Hogan and one of the stars on the reality television show Hogan Knows Best. She filed for divorce after over twenty years of marriage on Tuesday, November 20, 2007.

Life Story

Linda married Hulk Hogan on December 18, 1983. They have a daughter Brooke (born May 5, 1988) and a son Nick (born July 27, 1990). She was thrust in the spotlight in recent years when her family personal life became the centerpiece of the hit VH1 "reality" show called Hogan Knows Best.

Linda's 17 year old son Nick was indicted as an adult on four criminal charges on November 7, 2007. These charges stemmed from an August car accident, which injured John Graziano to the point where he will be in a nursing home the rest of his life.

On November 20, 2007, Linda filed for divorce. Hulk was apparently blindsided by this as he told the St. Petersburg Times he wasn't even aware of the filing when the paper called for a comment. The Graziano family's lawyer believes the divorce might be an attempt to divide the family's assets from a planned civil suit against the Bolleas regarding their son, Nick Bollea.

In recent months, Linda has been seen running around with her new boyfriend who apparently went to school with her kids. Creepy. She has also made claims that her Ex-Husband is stalking her.

Linda Hogan Who was Linda Claridge aka Linda Hogan life in Who is / biography H .