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Real name: Alexandra L. Doig. Biography of Lexa Doig & facts.


Alexandra L. Doig aka Lexa biography

Name: Lexa
Surname: Doig
Lexa Doig birth name: Alexandra L. Doig
Lexa Doig birthday: 1973-06-08
Lexa Doig home town: Toronto, Ontario.
Lexa Doig assets:
Lexa Doig vices:
Lexa Doig height: 168 cm
Lexa Doig job: Actress.
Lexa Doig hobbies
Lexa Doig ethnicityMixed
Lexa Doig breast size34
Lexa Doig waist size23
Lexa Doig hips size33
Lexa Doig mottoAs far as my early days as a professional actor go, I'm no longer subsisting off a diet of Ichiban and Kraft Dinner... Life is good

Lexa Doig Who was Alexandra L. Doig aka Lexa Doig life in Who is / biography D .