What is olin lena definition
Real name: Lena Maria Jonna Olin. Biography of Lena Olin & facts.


Lena Maria Jonna Olin aka Lena biography

Name: Lena
Surname: Olin
Lena Olin birth name: Lena Maria Jonna Olin
Lena Olin birthday:
Lena Olin home town: Stockholm, Stockholms län.
Lena Olin assets:
Lena Olin vices:
Lena Olin height: 181 cm
Lena Olin job: Actress.
Lena Olin hobbies
Lena Olin ethnicityWhite
Lena Olin breast size
Lena Olin waist size
Lena Olin hips size
Lena Olin mottoI was supposed to play the world's most dangerous woman and do a lot of action scenes. Then you can't come in there like a couch-potato... so I started training at gyms, weight-lifting and all things possible, and then I've just continued with that a couple of times a week.

Lena Olin Who was Lena Maria Jonna Olin aka Lena Olin life in Who is / biography O .