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Real name: Krista Voda. Biography of Krista Voda & facts.


Krista Voda aka Krista biography

Name: Krista
Surname: Voda
Krista Voda birth name: Krista Voda
Krista Voda birthday: 1969-12-31
Nickname: Speedy
Krista Voda home town: Clinton, Iowa.
Krista Voda assets: Feels the Need for Speed.
Krista Voda vices: Happy Joe''s Pizza
Krista Voda height: 168 cm
Krista Voda job: Sports Reporter.
Krista Voda hobbiesBig, hair, bands, of, the, 80s.
Krista Voda ethnicity
Krista Voda breast size34
Krista Voda waist size25
Krista Voda hips size35
Krista Voda mottoBon Jovi is in a league of their own.

Krista Voda Who was Krista Voda aka Krista Voda life in Who is / biography V .