What is castillo kate definition
Real name: Kate del Castillo Negrete Trillo. Biography of Kate Del Castillo & facts: Kate del.


Kate del Castillo Negrete Trillo aka Kate biography

Name: Kate
Surname: Del Castillo
Kate Del Castillo birth name: Kate del Castillo Negrete Trillo
Kate Del Castillo birthday: 1972-10-23
Kate Del Castillo home town: Mexico City.
Kate Del Castillo assets:
Kate Del Castillo vices:
Kate Del Castillo height: 166 cm
Kate Del Castillo job: Actress.
Kate Del Castillo hobbies
Kate Del Castillo ethnicityLatino
Kate Del Castillo breast size34
Kate Del Castillo waist size25
Kate Del Castillo hips size34
Kate Del Castillo motto
Real biography: Kate del Castillo is a smokin' hot Mexican actress known for her work in many telenovelas as well as appearances on the big screen.

Kate Del Castillo Who was Kate del Castillo Negrete Trillo aka Kate Del Castillo life in Who is / biography D .