What is lockhart june definition
Real name: June Lockhart. Biography of June Lockhart & facts.


June Lockhart aka June biography

Name: June
Surname: Lockhart
June Lockhart birth name: June Lockhart
June Lockhart birthday:
June Lockhart home town: New York, New York.
June Lockhart assets:
June Lockhart vices:
June Lockhart height: 168 cm
June Lockhart job: Actress.
June Lockhart hobbies
June Lockhart ethnicityWhite
June Lockhart breast size34
June Lockhart waist size24
June Lockhart hips size36
June Lockhart mottoI'm not really affected whether or not the phone rings asking me to do a job. When you're working, you're very professional and you do the work. You know your lines and you hit your marks and your collar's clean. There is a wonderful world out there besides what you do on screen.

June Lockhart Who was June Lockhart aka June Lockhart life in Who is / biography L .